News From T'Well

Last updated : 06 November 2006 By Alastair Limb (tykesmad)
Andy Ritchie has reacted to speculation linking three players to Oakwell. As speculated in the Sunday People yesterday, former-skipper Chris Morgan and Nick Barmby were being linked to Oakwell. Other reports were linking Swansea striker Leon Knight to Oakwell.

Ritchie said:
"There is no interest whatsoever in Barmby; Sheffield United will not let Morgan out so that is nonsense and we do not want Knight. I do not know where some of these things come from.

"We are still looking and still hopeful of adding to our squad".

There have been two new faces in Oakwell training today as Barnsley have taken two players on trial. One of which is Northern Ireland international and former Norwich midfielder Phil Mulryne. Joining him in training is 19-year-old Bolton youngster Danny Stott. Mulryne and Stott will train for a week as Ritchie casts his eye over them

Ritchie told "We have Phil and Danny in this week and they will both spend time training with us so we can have a closer look at them".

Also, Reds midfielder Colin Healy will more than likely leave Oakwell this week to go out on loan. Healy has only started two games since his arrival in August and they have both been Carling Cup appearances. He has come off the bench in the league eight times.

Andy Ritchie told

"Colin could well go out on loan this week to get some games. Hopefully that could be done before Saturday".