Barnsley 1-1 Wednesday: Post Match Reaction

Last updated : 02 April 2017 By Rob Miles (BarnsleyBoy)

"I'd have been upset if we'd not got something out of the game, but I'd have been even more delighted if we'd have got three points with the chances we had at the end. The result shows the spirit in the team and what could go wrong today went wrong for us.

"But we showed the spirit and the desire and determination to get something out of the game. 

"We had the better chances, apart from the goal, Davo' had one shot on target to deal with so we had the lion's share of the chances. We know Wednesday are a good side with the ball, we've done a hell of a lot of work over the last 10 days on our defending and shape, and as the first half wore on, we took control.

"All the time, in the back of my mind I'm knowing Yids can't carry on and having four of the full-backs out, it's a real problem. We signed Saidy as a winger and we've had to play him full-back and Scowey has had to play left-back, but brilliantly too.

"Yids' was determined to carry on but it's a painful and debilitating injury and we had to look long term. He kept dislocating his shoulder and having it put back in, he tried to get to half time and we put a real good strapping on it but his first contact second half was him done."

"If they're doing what I ask and it doesn't work, it's my fault, if it works, brilliant. We tried not to come away from our plan and if people make individual errors, there's nothing I can do.

"We know we have to stretch ourselves and take risks to compete in this league and have the mindset if we want to improve and get better. They're going to be pushed to the limits.

"I'm proud and pleased for them, there were lots of positives to take out of that game. We have to be satisfied with a point but it wouldn't have been harsh if we'd have taken all three at the end, what with the clearance off the line and Westwood's save."

"I don't know if Angus is in credit yet, he might need a few more!"

"We expect nothing less, it's the spirit in the group. No one will have an easy game against us and we know likewise when we play well, cut the errors out, it's a good win for us.

"We take the positives out of us whilst still looking at what we could improve. Cardiff are going to pose a totally different type of problem on Tuesday and whichever team we go with, we're going to set up to try and win."

Hecky was talking to